Contact Us

Please call the office directly to schedule an appointment. You will speak to our receptionist Linda who has been working for us since 1997.
The office number is 860-763-1225.
Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 9am to 5pm, Eastern Standard Time (EST).
The office fax number is 860-253-5041. We do ask if you have more than 5 pages to fax us at a time that you please send those copies to us via regular mail instead.
If you have particular questions about you or your loved one’s health concern, feel free to call the office during office hours. Please understand that we cannot answer medical questions or give any medical advice whatsoever to those that are not currently under our care.
We are not on call. We do receive telephone messages during the week, during regular office hours, and do our best to get back to patients within 24 hours. For acute care after office hours and for emergency services at any time, it is best to call and see an urgent care provider.
Please also use our email contact form if you would like to invite Drs. Herscu and/or Rothenberg to speak at an event you are planning.